World of Unrealism #2
We are not after production. Rather, we are in a state in which production is endlessly recycled, repeated, copied, and multiplied, but potentially also displaced, humbled, and renewed. -Hito Steyerl A house filled with stories. Windows to other worlds. Cuts away. Frames. We are locked in. Our surroundings are changing, getting smaller, and at the same time bigger through our digital networks. What encircles us at home gets more impact. Objects become alive in our minds. Telling us stories we have heard before. Stories about the future. In the age of media, postproduction becomes reproduction. We are flooded by images, and they invade reality, they cross the screen and create reality. We live amongst images. All these impressions intertwine with personal experiences and memories, we easily lose track of what is truth and what is fiction. We live in a world of unrealism. Our memories mixed with the memories of others, in social media, with constructed stories in TV and film, and our everyday experiences. Echo is our Goddess in this endless stream of copies.